Christmas Poetry

- 12 Christmas Poems for Kids - Anita Poems NEW EXTERNAL LINK 12/24/2011
- 18th century ballad - from an 18th century ballad
- About The Field - English shepherd's carol
- A Carol for Children - Ogden Nash
- A Catch by the Hearth - Author Unknown
- A Christmas Carol - Christina Georgina Rossetti
- A Christmas Carol - Christina Georgina Rossetti
- A Christmas Carol - Robert Herrick 1591-1674
- A Hymn on the Nativity of My Saviour - Ben Jonson 1573-1637
- All of God's Creatures - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- And All the Angels - from an old Scottish carol
- Anonymous, 14th Century
- Armenian Traditional
- As Joseph Was A-Walking - Old English
- At Christmas Time - English Traditional
- A Thousand Bells - Alfred Domett 1811-1887
- Bells - Old English Carol
- Bethlehem - Author Unknown
- Bird of Dawning - William Shakespeare
- Bring Your Pipes - Austrian shepherd's song
- Carol - English, 15th century
- Carol of the Birds - an old French carol from Bas Quercy
- Carol of the Birds - Old Spanish carol from Catalonia
- Cherish his Christmas - Roger J Robicheau NEW 10/27/2009
- Christ is Born - Englsih, 16th century
- Christmas - Mother Goose
- Christmas - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Christmas Bells - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- Christmas Bells - John Clare 1793-1864
- Christmas Comes - English Traditional
- Christmas Eve - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Christmas Pies - English Traditional
- Christmas Prayer - Robert Louis Stevenson
- Christmas Presents - anonymous
- Christmas Senses - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Christmas Spree - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Christmas-tide Comes in like a Bride - from The Praise of Christmas, 1630
- Dear Santa - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- English 19th century
- English traditional
- English Traditional
- Ever Green - John Clare 1793-1864
- Farewell to Christmas - French Epiphany carol
- For the Children or the Grown-Ups - Author Unknown
- an old French prayer from Provence
- Fun and Games - from Round About Our Coal Fire 1734
- The Golden Carol Of The Three Kings Melchior, Balthazar And Gaspar - Old English Carol
- Green Grow'th the Holly - English, 16th century
- Heigh Ho, The Holly - William Shakespeare
- I Sing of a Maiden - Anonymous 15th century
- Kolyada - Russian carol
- Little Donkey - Traditional
- Long, Long Ago - Author Unknown
- Make We Merry - Anonymous
- Matthew II/1st Corinthians XV/Isaiah II - Matthew II verse 2
- Morning Star - from a Moravian hymn
- My Christmas Tree - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Now Have Good Day - English Traditional
- Now Thrice Welcome Christmas - from Poor Robin's Almanack 1695
- Old Christmas Returned - Old English Carol
- Old Saint Nicholas - from Germany author unknown
- One Glorious Star - from a Sicilian shepherd's carol, translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- One is for the Manger - Author Unknown
- Our Joyful'st Feast - George Wither 1588-1667
- Advice from Poor Robin's Almanack - 1700
- Poor Robin's Almanack - 1677
- Rise, Shepherds - Austrian shepherd's song
- Christina Georgina Rossetti - 1830-1894
- Christina Georgina Rossetti - 1830-1894
- Saint Nicholas - Author Unknown
- Santa Claus - Anonymous, 1880
- Snowflakes - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- So Come We Running - Austrian shepherd's
- Sounds of Christmas - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Spring Cleaning - Robert Herrick 1591-1674
- Star of Hope - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Stop Thief! - Robert Herrick also called Christmas Eve, Another Ceremeny
- The ABC's of Christmas - Author Unknown
- The Bird's Carol - Traditional Czech Carol translation by Percy Dearmer
- The Christmas Pudding - English Traditional
- The Friendly Beasts - English carol, 12th century
- The Holly and the Ivy - Traditional
- The Kings from the East - Heinrich Heine 1797-1856
- The Magi - Matthew II: 9-11
- The Mahogany Tree - William Makepeace Thackeray 1811-1863
- The Nativity - Luke II 1-14
- The Shepherds Knew - from a Spanish carol
- The Three Kings - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- The Twenty-fourth of December - Author Unknown
- The Yule Log - Robert Herrick 1591-1674
- They Won't Be Home For Christmas - Del "Abe" Jones NEW 10/17/2009
- Three Kings - Old English Epiphany carol
- Traditional
- Old Norwegian verse
- Voices in the Mist - Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-1892
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 1749-1832
- We Saw a Light - Old English carol
- When Santa Claus Comes - Author Unknown
- Would You Follow - Author Unknown

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