
Welcome to Christmas 2020! Mrs Claus and I have been very busy preparing for our busy December. We finally decided to join the information age in 1997, and launch our own Internet site. We received 6, 500, 000 hits in November and December 2000! This has become an annual tradition. This year we have several new features to our list, as well as the traditional:
- More Christmas Recipes have been added, along with additional Christmas Songs and Carols and Christmas Traditions Around the World.
- E-mail a letter to Santa.
- Santa's Review of Best Toys this year and a list of Santa's Gift Suggestions for Big People.
- Santa's Favorites include:
Christmas Jokes and Christmas Quotes and Sayings. This also includes: Santa's Favorite stories, movies and Internet Bookmarks.
- NEW Good and Bad List - check to see if you are on it.
- NEW Christmas Lights - submit your photos and locations.
- NEW Christmas Poetry - poetry about christmas and that mention christmasy things.
- NEW Christmas Symbols - The Wreath, Bells, The Nativity scene, Holly, Kissing Under the Mistletoe, Poinsettia, Yule log, Candles, The Star, Tinsel, Baubles and Apples, Gifts, Ivy, Laurel, Rosemary, Christmas Rose and Christmas Colors.
- NEW Christmas Parties, Paper Hats, Christmas Cards, The Pudding, Turkey, Firing the Pudding, The Coin in the Pudding, Mince Pies, Christmas Cake, The Stollen, Crackers, Father Christmas, Stockings, The Chimney, Wassailing, Carol Singing.

Santa would not be able to make Christmas runs as smoothly as it does without a little help from some friends, and one of the most modern computerised factories in the world. Learn about Santa's helpers: Mrs Claus, Elves, Rudolph and the Reindeer, toys, and our workshop. Where is Santa's factory? What makes Santa's factory magic?

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